
In my actual study I have been supported by the work of Prof. Salvatore Pirrotti. He, who is an authority in our origins, transmitted me a kind of critical and active knowledge of which I am very grateful to him. The information, in my work, has been taken by his study about "the churches in Mirto"; I have been kindly allowed to publish them.




List of the written books

The work about Mirto written by Prof. Pirrotti, is divided in seven volumes entitled:

1st vol. E mirto ti nomò

2nd vol. le chiese e le edicole votive di Mirto. Churches and votive chapels of Mirto

3rd vol. Conventi ed Opere Pie di Mirto- Friaries and Charitable Institutions in Mirto

4th vol. Il patrimonio artistico e culturale- Artistical and cultural heritage

5th vol. Cultura e folklore di Mirto-Culture and folklore in Mirto

6th vol. Economia - Economy

7th vol. Persone (concittadini) che hanno dato lustro al paese di Mirto-People (citizens) who honoured the town of Mirto




A mio fratello Pippo,
invisibile ma
presente nel mio cammino.
